facial reflexology


The benefit of Facial Reflexology is that not only does it work to improve health and wellbeing on the inside, it can also help you look younger and more radiant on the outside.

Throughout the treatment, tension and emotions are gently released and skin tone and frown lines can appear smoothed out, allowing you to walk out of the treatment room feeling blissed out with a healthy glow.

Natural expressions

the face quickly reflects what is happening on the inside.

how it works



The benefit of Facial Reflexology is that not only does it work to improve health and wellbeing on the inside, it can also help you look younger and more radiant on the outside.

This treatment has all the benefits of traditional foot reflexology and is based on the same premise.

The facial reflexes are gently manipulated, triggering a healing response in the corresponding area of the body.

This creates an improvement to circulation as well as the release of toxins.

However, by stimulating the reflexes on the face, this can have more immediate results due to being directly connected to the neuropathways and being in close proximity to the brain. As the face quickly reflects what is happening on the inside, there can be noticeable differences in appearance after just 1 treatment

. Throughout the treatment, tension and emotions are gently released and skin tone and frown lines can appear smoothed out, allowing you to walk out of the treatment room feeling blissed out with a healthy glow.

Facial Reflexology can have huge benefits in easing the symptoms of many conditions listed below.


  • Stress/Anxiety

  • Headaches/Migraines

  • Bells Palsy

  • Bruxism

  • Sinus Conditions

  • Insomnia

  • Depression


    Our initial consultation is 90 mins and includes 5-10 mins at the start of the session to understand the full nature of your reason/s for treatment & what you hope to achieve. Followed by 60 mins of facial reflexology, with 5-10 minutes afterwards to give you some down time and discuss any responses or sensations.


    Following your initial 90 minute consultation, thereafter, your treatments will be 60 mins. This includes 5-10 mins at the start of the session to update me on how you have been feeling since your last treatment. Followed by a 45 min treatment, and then 5-10 minutes afterwards to discuss any responses or sensations.

  • 6 for 5 Treatment Offer

    Reflexology works best when taken as a series of sessions to maximise the benefits you will feel and see. This will allow us time to focus on your specific issue and begin to build a relationship and for you to feel and see significant changes.

    I offer a special 6 treatment bundle for the price of 5 sessions, saving £50.


 The natural product I will be using during this treatment is the silky award-winning Zone Face Lift Amethyst Crystal-Infused, Elixir which hydrates your skin and has been shown to reduce fine lines and help you look radiant. 

 Ready to book?